


esball国际平台客户端, 我们开发高效的, 与企业建立互利伙伴关系,推动创新. Corporate relationships thrive through smart collaborations that pair our best people, knowledge and resources with companies and organizations looking for ways to move business forward, 获得竞争优势,解决世界上最紧迫的挑战.

Students are our greatest resource — from their drive in the classroom to each individual’s list of accomplishments. esball国际平台客户端为所有学生准备劳动力. 我们的方法从动手学习开始, extends to required 实习 and 合作社 for many programs and factors in the ample 研究 opportunities open to undergraduates. 在, esball国际平台客户端优先考虑问题的解决, 批判性思维, 沟通与领导, 无论学生的专业是什么.

当你为你的组织寻找领导者和问题解决者时, esball国际平台客户端很高兴能与你们合作.


esball国际平台客户端合作才是真正的合作. 我们在大学的各个领域开展工作,以提供最佳策略, 服务和支持, 所有这些都是定制的,以满足我们合作伙伴的具体目标. 另外, our partners benefit from Clarkson’s longstanding commitment to corporate relationships.

Learn more about recruiting and educating your workforce with Clarkson and extending your impact through 研究.


Interested in a professional partnership with Clarkson or participating in an upcoming Career Fair or on-campus programming? For more information, contact the Kevin ’81 and Annie Parker Career Center today.

电子邮件: career@l9e1.com 
电话: 315-268-6477

与多个行业合作, Clarkson has developed graduate and professional education programs that drive successful careers and produce graduates ready to meet current and future market demand. 从硕士和博士课程到证书和专业发展, esball国际平台客户端出色的课程, industry-connected faculty and applied 研究 deliver an unmatched return on investment.

Using innovative online technology and onsite learning at our locations in New York’s Capital Region, 波茨坦和灯塔, esball国际平台客户端定制的课程和课程,以最好地支持您的公司. 我们的课程是专门设计来提供实用的, 跨行业的相关和应用知识. We also work directly with companies to develop the best financial packages and incentives for professional education.



你的公司是否在招聘暑期实习生, 带薪实习学员或全职候选人, 就业中心是一个热心的合作伙伴. Clarkson students are differentiated in the marketplace because of their grounded confidence gained through numerous hands-on learning opportunities and early networking in their chosen fields of study. All students are required to have a Professional Experience as part of their degree requirements, 是什么让他们成为雇主的最佳人选.

联系就业中心315-268- 6477或在 career@l9e1.com.

We're America's corporate partner university: beyond educating your workforce, our 研究 leads to new advancements and breakthroughs for our industry partners. Collaborating with us directly impacts your company’s performance: uncover solutions to real-world problems; contribute new ideas or solutions to existing problems; explore new methods of analysis and generate new, 潜在的有益知识产权.

We have signature portfolios of 研究 and a critical mass of 研究ers and scholars working on healthy world solutions for protecting air, water and habitats; data and complex systems analytics; advanced materials development and next-generation healthcare technologies. Our 研究ers collaborate across disciplines and in teams for creative solutions that are practical and sustainable.

联系赞助研究服务 srs@l9e1.com.


esball国际平台客户端的学生很聪明. They are innovative, entrepreneurial, driven, ambitious and willing to stretch boundaries. 但最重要的是,他们能把事情做好.

That’s why our corporate partners seek out Clarkson students for 实习, 合作社, 工作, 研究项目, 设计挑战和许多其他机会.

作为一所以就业为中心的大学, Clarkson constantly seeks opportunities for students to engage directly with companies, 向行业专家学习,参与实际项目. 好处是显而易见的. esball国际平台客户端学生, 这些经历是无与伦比的, 他们毕业时接受过在职培训, in-depth industry knowledge and a deep appreciation of the work companies do.

Clarkson’s corporate partners have several opportunities to work directly with our students.


# ClarksonIgnite



专题课程:联系企业和基金会关系 cfroffice@l9e1.com or 315-268-3826.

esball国际平台客户端校友网络- 46,000+强-定义了我们的影响. 从首席执行官, vice presidents and senior executives at some of the world's largest and most successful companies to renowned engineers, 科学家和企业家, esball国际平台客户端校友带动生意, industry and innovation while keeping the University connected to what’s next.

Our corporate partners can access this extensive network through a variety of philanthropic opportunities, 比如配对礼物, event sponsorships and other partnerships through corporate and foundation relations.

你是esball国际平台客户端校友吗? Learn more about engaging with, advising and recruiting from our current student body.

联络发展及校友关系 alumni@l9e1.com or 315-268-7718


Partner with Clarkson's Career Center to attract and recruit students for 实习, 合作社和全职职位. 了解所有可用服务的更多信息:


Start by advertising 实习, co-op opportunities and job openings on Handshake. 通过校园和虚拟的有针对性的合作社招聘来扩大这一点, 实习, 微型实习以及兼职和全职就业机会.


我们可以为您提供班级简介信息和薪资数据, 还可以帮你联系老师, staff and departments to discuss recruitment and align expectations of students.


确保我们的学生都熟悉你的品牌. 考虑参加公司赞助的实地考察, 研究, 学生专题及比赛. 与就业中心联系,了解最适合你公司的是什么.


通过网络活动与我们的学生团体联系, 人才招聘会往往会, 模拟面试日, 礼仪晚餐和其他机会,比如探索会议, 午餐和学习, 学生小组演讲, 工作坊及小组.


Partner directly with the Clarkson Career Center for our HireAKnight合作伙伴计划, 或者与我们合作,为新员工准备联合品牌徽章, 另外还开发了寒暑假项目.


This twice-per-year event attracts over 150 employers to meet and network with students, 无论是实习、合作社还是第一份入门级工作. 证明了这次活动的成功, about 40 percent of Clarkson students going on to full-time careers were first introduced to their future employer through a Career Fair.



通过这种伙伴关系, employers receive priority recruitment services that help increase their visibility on our campus. At the same time, they help fund career programming and other opportunities for Clarkson students.



Through our wide variety of services, we can tailor to your organization’s specific needs. We have options for companies of all sizes, from startups to Fortune 500 organizations. 整个学期, 我们与雇主合作,提供有针对性的营销, 与候选人会面,并在校园进行额外的宣传.


Review our requirements for posting 实习 and co-op listings through Handshake. 找到了解和招收学生的建议.


利用Handshake发布你的实习经历, 合作社,以及入门级和有经验职位的空缺.


分享更多esball国际平台客户端公司历史的信息, 影响与文化, as well as the work you do and the opportunities you are presenting through a Discovery Session.


电子邮件 career@l9e1.com to learn more about our students, recruit talent and become engaged as a lifelong partner!